Friday 16 January 2009

Western Explorer

Arrived in Perth to hot weather, averaging 35c. Spent a few days with mums' friends and then off on a tour of WA with a company called Western Xposure. 7 Days of touring the west coast, temperaure rising everyday reaching a mega 48c . Sweltering hot, hardly felt like eating at all but ate for the sake of keeping healthy. Sunbathed, got close to dolphins, saw the Pinnacles and walked many a mile in the very humid heat. Group was a mix of europeans which included a group of 4 scots from glasgow who didn't care about themselves in the strong sun rays by not putting suncream on therefore one of them getting really bad sun blisters which are going infected and by drinking lots of beer every night for the majority of the trip. This was one of the many things that puts me of going on tours, as there is likely to be young immature people who kind of ruin it. Food wasn't exactly appealing for those with special dietary requirements such as i and those veggies, one night i almost got nothing. The only good thing about it was meeting some really good people and the places we went to. Now back in perth and staying in the YHA with several of my new friends. Offers of a proper cold New year in Innsbruck may be accepted..................


Claire said...

I'm sorry - were you not the girl who lay on a beach in Key West with your bare feet exposed to the baking sun and then couldn't walk for the rest of your holiday..? How times change...

Bacardiwoody said...

yes, but that was different, i actually creamed properly this time. and went in the ocean many times.
you grow up !