Thursday 1 April 2010


Morning was spent on a tour to Soweto which Joan & Bob had sorted out for me with thier prefered tour. Jabu was excellent, drove through Johannesburg and passed the stadium purposely built for the world cup. told all the history of johannesburg, what things were and joked non stopped. Cursing the bad drivers !!
Got to Soweto and had a volunteer show me the streets of the area and a families home, gave $10 in donation and was ambushed by youngsters. had taken some small bouncing balls with me, they were like a pack of hungry animals. luckily the volunteer calmed things down.
bought a couple of souvenirs and then went on to Hector Peterson's Museum, passing Winnies & Nelsons' & Desmond Tutus' Homes.
arrived back at hostel slightly late as had been picked up late due to traffic. was a lovely personal tour. another downpour of rain.......

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